G10X Modern Day Slavery Act (2015) 2022 Statement

This G10X Modern Day Slavery Act (2015) 2022 Statement (“Statement”) is made by G10X Pvt Ltd (“Company”, “we”, “us”, “our”) in compliance to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015. This Statement constitutes Company’s Modern slavery and human trafficking statement.

The Board of directors of the Company has, at a properly convened meeting, viewed and approved this Statement, and delegated authority to sign it on their behalf to the Chairman of the Company.

The Company works as an integrated part of your digital services. We are committed to the principles of the Modern Slavery Act and committed to ensuring it is enforced across our business. We aim to ensure that the partners we work with and may introduce to you, share similar values as ours.

This Statement will be reviewed and updated annually to reflect the Company's compliance with the Modern Slavery Act, 2015 and is available on our website or by request.

Our Stance on Modern Slavery

Modern slavery involves exploiting individuals for personal or commercial gain through forced labor, human trafficking, debt bondage, child labor, and resource exploitation. It is a severe human rights violation and a crime under international law.

The Company is committed to identifying and addressing the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking throughout its own organization and supply chain. We recognize the importance of due diligence and evaluation to combat these illegal practices. To this end, we continually engage with our suppliers to promote transparency and ethical practices in our supply chain. Through regular assessments, audits, and collaboration, we strive to uphold the highest standards of human rights and social responsibility within the Company and our supply chain.

Our Business

The Company is a dynamic and innovative technology-led marketing organization, incorporated in the United Kingdom. Our operations encompass a diverse range of sectors including digital content creation, consumer engagement, developing technology solutions, marketing software development, and design systems implementation. As part of our global presence, the Company operates under the umbrella of G10X Pte Ltd, our parent entity headquartered in Singapore. We leverage our international expertise in order to access diverse markets, and drive forward-thinking initiatives to meet the evolving needs of our clients worldwide.

Our Supply Chains

Given the nature of our business, we maintain a streamlined supply chain network. Our supply chains include (but are not limited to): marketing consultants, information technology providers (software and hardware) and software developers, professional services companies, insurance and benefits providers, recruitment agencies, cleaning and catering services, office facilities and maintenance service providers and advertising production, market research firms and other marketing services providers.

Risk Assessment and Due Diligence Processes

As part of our initiative to identify and mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains, we have undertaken an initial risk assessment to identify, assess and prioritise potential risk areas within the Company and its supply chains. This assessment is based on geography, the product or services supplied and the nature of the business transaction. We continue to view our industry and the majority of our suppliers as presenting low-risk in relation to occurrence or risk of any form of slavery or human trafficking. Where any higher-risk area are identified, we will seek to mitigate the risk of modern slavery occurrence by incorporating a more detailed review of potentially high-risk suppliers into our internal audit process.

To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we are committed to:

  • Provide training to staff at all levels of the Company to raise awareness of modern slavery risks and how to identify and report potential instances of exploitation. This includes identifying signs of modern slavery, reporting procedures, and the importance of compliance with the Company’s practices and policies;
  • Taking steps to vet the supplier, for example, Client site visits;
  • Conducting awareness programs and workshops; and
  • Communicating our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery to relevant suppliers, contractors and business partners at the outset of our business relationship with them, and where appropriate thereafter.
  • The Company’s employees have access to a confidential whistleblowing process for raising concerns. We continue to increase awareness among our employees of issues related to slavery and human trafficking ensuring that the mechanisms available to our workforce are sufficiently known, trusted and accessible. Our existing process aims to ensure individuals affected are not further victimised and have access to counselling and support.

    Exercising your rights

    We will periodically review the effectiveness of our measures to prevent slavery and human trafficking within our organization and oursupply chains. Our aim is to monitor and, where necessary, to improve our policies, procedures and systems in order to create to create a safe and ethical working environment and uphold high human rights standards in relation to the Modern Slavery Act and this Statement.

    Updates to this Statement

    We may make changes to this Statement from time to time. The “Effective Date” at the top of this page shows when this Statement was last revised. Any changes will become effective when we post a revised version of this Statement on this Site. Your use of this Site is subject to the terms in the version of this Statement that is posted on this Site at the time of your visit. We encourage you to review this Statement periodically to remain informed about how we are protecting your data.

    Contact us

    If you have any comments or questions regarding this Statement or our data handling practices, or wish to contact our Data Protection Officer, please contact us at legal@G10X.com.